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ABS e-filing

The Biological Diversity (Amendment) Act, 2023 came into force from 1st April, 2024 as per the MoEFCC notification dated 18.01.2024. Subsequently, the Biological Diversity Rules, 2024 was notified by the MoEFCC on 22.10.2024 which came into force on 21.12.2024. The BD Rules, 2024 prescribes application form and fees for undertaking different activities. As per the BD Rules, 2024, the online portal has been upgraded by including different application forms. As part of its continuous efforts in providing upgraded service to its stakeholders, the NBA has introduced online submission of application portal , integrated to its website, To avail the service, applicants are requested to register as user providing a login id (4 to 20 word) with a password having 4 to 12 word with at least one numeral or special character. Once registered, the user can log in and upload any number of applications without limit. Please keep all the information and scanned copies of the mandatory documents, such as, ID/Address Proof, company’s, MoA, AoA, shareholding pattern, Power of Attorney and Authorization letter ready.

Latest Update

Towards Contributing to and promoting Digital India and Ease of doing business, the National Biodiversity Authority launched the e-filing services for access application in the year 2017 that enabled online filing of applications as envisaged under the biological Diversity Act, 2002. The vision of online processing of access applications is to achieve a simplified, responsive, effective and transparent working towards the clearance of application by NBA.
